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Blog for the online professor

Upstart of Online Master Class


Kategorier: TheWell BibleOL


These Master level students are mastering an entirely new craft. It is like relearning Biblical Hebrew in an entirely new way. They do have a lecturer, but they study together and at home completely alone. They relay entirely on the Hebrew Bible for their training. It is like relearning Biblical Hebrew from the beginning and master it completely.

These five students from ETC in Addis and Arba Minch plus my coordinator Buna Teferi already have extensive knowledge of Biblical Hebrew. However, in order to be certified as an instructor for classes learning Biblical Hebrew through Bible Online Learner, you will have personally work for hundreds of hours in order to learn how the Bible can drive your own personal learning.

For the next four to five months they will be exposed to Hebrew at all levels. In Addis we worked on the book of Jonah and analysis of Biblical texts. After this week they will work with all the exercises.